Mi'raj Kha

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Name: Mi'raj Kha
Nicknames: Mira, Mimi
Age: Mid twenties
Height: 6'4"
Race: (Mixed) Viera/Au'ra
Job: Astrologian/Botanist
Gender: Intersex
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them
Sexuality: Pan
Role: Dom (secretly a switch)
Status: Single
(Taken irl so don't get any bold ideas)

Has a blue/brown mythril necklace from parents that was made for her with the intent of being personal charm as the stone resembles a rabbits head with blue scales. A constant reminder that she's unique and should be treasured no matter what others will say.Her Xaela Au'ra father and Rava Viera mother met when her mother came to the Azim steppe to escort a client home as a request due to increased monster activity. Her father who was planning to travel far off to gridania in order to broaden his horizons as he was also an adventure but wanted to branch off further into the world requested her help as she was heading back that way anyhow. They surprisingly got together very well so the pair shared many stories of their hardships and lives whether it was growing up in places that had either been affected by war or living their lives as "beastfolk" and the struggles that come with that. All of these conversations on the journey back paired with fighting together back to back against the occasional threat formed a kindling that only grew stronger once they made it to their destination. Neither wanting to abandon the company of the other they decided to go off and explore Eorzea in its entirety to see the world, each wanting to learn new things and try to help others who have suffered similarly to them."Playfully serious"
Thanks to the lengths her parents had to go through while falling in love such as coming from different races, ideals and upbringings, she's very open and understanding of people and their differences but also despises the inner evil people have that brings hate and malice to those who aren't able to stand up for themselves or live a normal life in fear or judgment. She grew up facing plenty of this as a mixed race between Viera and Au'ra and also because of her penis that her parents believe to have been given to her at birth with the blessing of a rabbit spirit that visited them when traveling far away for work. Thanks to that meeting they named her Mi'raj after learning later that the spirit was the mythical creature known for watching over traveling adventurers and merchants. She's very tough since she's had to stand up for herself and fight since a young age so she's been branded with a tomboy label that she doesn't mind at all. Hard to tell if she's playing around or being serious half of the time because of her openness and playful nature. Has become less self conscious about her looks as she's grown older but was still embarrassed about her scaled penis until she met a friendly woman about her age named Hilda who caught a peek while bathing at an inn as they were out fulfilling a request near coerthas. Hilda revealed to be half Hyur and half Elezen (Hilda had longer hair so nobody could see her ears at this time) which surprised Mi'raj as she had never met another "half-breed" like herself. They spent the rest of the mission bonding together as they opened up about their lives and hardships and became close friends.  They've experimented with each other multiple times as both are very open and enjoy each other's company enough to warrant it which helped each other open up and accept themselves. Hilda has joked that Mi'raj has a very fitting name as she has a scaled "horn" similar to the mythical creature, making Mi'raj groan in embarrassment but also slowly help her become less ashamed about her body. Many encouraging words from her close friend still weigh lovingly on her heart to this day even if they don't spend every waking moment with each other due to Mira's adventures.
"Whether you take it as a blessing or a curse, the only thing that matters is how you make that decision...not anyone else in this gods forsaken world can even dream to take that away from you"

Little ones:
My Bodyguard